Kohler (2007): Containers, Europeanisation and Individualization

Downloadpage for "Containers, Europeanisation and Individualization"

This is the documentation page for the article "Kohler, Ulrich (2007): Containers, Europeanisation and Individualization empirical implications of general descriptions of society. In: Scherer, Stefani, Reinhart Pollak, Gunnar Otte and Markus Gangl, eds. From origin to Destination. Frankfurt and New York: Campus.

On this page you may found all Stata do-files for the analyses in the paper. The names of the do-files required for each analysis can found in the paper.

With the master do-file you can replicate every analysis in the paper and even such analyses performed for the paper that have not been published. You need to download all do-files to run "master.do".

Note: Some of the Do-Files may require the installation of additional Stata programs. These programs are available on the SSC-archive.

List of Do Files

(in the order of production)

grsoctypes.do Figure with ideal typical societies
aness04_1.do Analysis of ESS 2004 (first approach)
aness02_1.do Analysis of ESS 2002 (mirrors aness04_1.do">)
aness04_2.do Adds weights to aness04_1
aness02_2.do Adds weights to aness02_1
aness02_3.do Some alternative specifications for 2002
aness.do" Use models like vendrik/woltjer 2006