Where we stand in Europe

Where we stand in Europe. National quality of life, EU-average, and personal life satisfaction

This is the documentation page for "Delhey, Jan and Ulrich Kohler (2008): Where we stand in Europe. National quality of life, EU-average, and personal life satisfaction. In: Jens Alber, Tony Fahey and Chiara Saraceno (Ed.), Handbook of quality of life in the Enlarged European Union. London: Routledge."

On this page you may found all Stata do-files for the analyses in the paper. The names of the do-files required for each analysis are cited in the paper.

With the master do-file you can replicate all analysis made for the paper. For this you need to download all do-files.

In what follows you find the complete list of the do-files. They appear in the order of their making during the preparation of the paper.


crdata01.do: Create Main Data-Set
anmiss.do: Fraction of Missings
ancomp.do: Distribution of Comparison Variables
cragg.do: Dataset with Aggregates (Source: delhey)
anvalid.do: Comparison vs. Truth
anlsat01.do: Regression Life-Satisfaction on Comparison
anlsat02.do: Regression Life-Satisfaction on Comparison, without financial satisfaction
anlsat03.do: Comparison of Life-Satisfaction on Quality-of-Life-Comparison with and without control
anmanifesto.do: EU-orientiation of political parties
anpolconseq01.do:.do Political Consequences of Comparisons

Preparation for Conference Version

anmiss_1.do: Fraction of Missings
ancomp_1.do: Distribution of Comparison Variables
anvalid_1.do: Comparison vs. Truth
anlsat04.do: anlsat01 with metric financial situation and graph as in anlsat04
anlsat05.do: semi-standardised solution of anlsat04

Redressment after Confernce

anmiss_2.do: Fraction of Missings
ancomp_2.do: Distribution of comparison Variables
anvalid_2.do: Comparison vs. Truth
anwhowrong.do: Who is wrong (not used)
anlsat06.do: Like anlsat04.do, but with 3 comparison variables and estout
anwhowrong_2.do: Incorp. Delhey's proposal about who is wrong and who not (not used)
anwhowrong_3.do: Different Graph (not used)
anmiss_bygroups.do: Missings by groups