Die Ungleichheit der Wahlbeteiligung in Europa und den USA und die politische Integrationskraft des Sozialstaats

Die Ungleichheit der Wahlbeteiligung in Europa und den USA und die politische Integrationskraft des Sozialstaats . (The Inequality of Electoral Participation in Europe and America and the Politically Integrative Functions of the Welfare State)

This is the documentation page for "Alber, Jens and Ulrich Kohler (2007): Die Ungleichheit der Wahlbeteiligung in Europa und den USA und die politische Integrationskraft des Sozialstaats. Leviathan 35." also published as "The Inequality of Electoral Participation in Europe and America and the Politically Integrative Functions of the Welfare State. Pg. 62-90 in Alber, Jens and Neil Gilbert (Hg.), United in Diversity. Comparing Social Models in Europe and America. New York: Oxford University Press.

On this page you may found all Stata do-files for the analyses in the paper.

With the master do-file you can replicate every analysis of the paper. For this you need to download all do-files.

In what follows you find the complete list of the do-files. They appear in the order of their making during the preparation of the paper.

Presentation for the Conference: "The Attractiveness of the European and American Social Model for New Members and Candidate Countries of the European Union". Berlin May 7-8

crcses.do: CSES 1+2 dataset
chkcses.do: Check inconsistencies in cses01.dta -> see Notes in file
crissp04.do: ISSP 2004 data set similar to CSES-Data
crissp02.do: ISSP 2002 data set simlar to CSES-Data
cress02.do: ESS 2002 data set similar to CSES-Data
cress04.do: ESS 2004 data set similar to CSES-Data
creqls03.do: EQLS data set similar to CSES-Data
crexp.do: Social expenditure, etc.
anelectionsystems.do: Turnout (official) by election-Systems -> Table 1
crelectionsystems2.do: Create a dataset for electionsystems
crinclusive.do: Indices for Inclusiveness
anvoter_valid.do: Compares voter turnout with external sources
anturnout.do: Turnout by country (Official sources) -> Figure 1
anineq_voter.do: Inequality of electoral participation -> Table 2+3, Figure 3,4
anineq_ageinteraction_voter.do: Interaction age*inequality -> Figure 5
anineq_satisfaction.do: Satisfaction of non-voters -> Figure 6
anparticipation_by_country.do: Various Participation indices by country -> Figure 7
anparticipation_by_voter.do: Various Participation indices by country -> Figure 8
anmedianvoter.do: Income Position of the Median-Voter -> Figure 2

Changes after Conference

anturnout1.do: Figure 1 with "last three 1st order elections"

Preparations for Leviathan

anelectionsystemsDE.do: Deutsche Tabelle 1
anturnout1DE.do: Deutsche Abbildung 1
anmedianvoterDE.do: Deutsche Abbildung 2
anineq_voterDE.do: Deutsche Abbildung 3+4; Tabelle 2+3
anineq_ageinteraction_voterDE.do: Deutsche Abbildung 5
anineq_satisfactionDE.do: Deutsche Abbildung 6
anparticipation_by_countryDE.do: Deutsche Abbildung 7
anparticipation_by_voterDE.do: Deutsche Abbildung 8